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ARBO-Comfort measurements

If there are complaints regarding the indoor environment, it is important to find out what is causing them. Renza Airflow Solutions can perform all kinds of measurements for this purpose, such as:

  1. Air temperature
  2. Average radiation temperature
  3. Humidity
  4. Air speed
  5. Noise level
  6. CO2 content
  7. Air quality

Measurements 1 to 4, measured according to NEN-ISO-7726, can be used to make a statement about the thermal indoor climate according to the NEN-EN-15O-7730 standard. The PMV (predicted mean vote) and PPD (percentage of people dissatisfied) values are calculated.

Measurements can be taken once, or recorded over a longer period using data loggers. Furthermore, measurements can be extended to include smoke tests and checks of the discharge patterns.

Renza Airflow Solutions can also measure the presence of a wide range of gases in the air and take samples of the air for bacteriological testing and germ counting.

From these health and safety/comfort measurements, the client receives a clear report of measurement data and recommendations.

With an “ARBO/comfort survey “Renza Airflow Solutions identifies any complaints and suggests solutions.

Arbo comfort metingen
Luchtzijdig inregelen

Airside balancing

Waterzijdig inregelen

Water-side balancing


Noise measurements

Arbo comfort metingen

ARBO-Comfort measurements





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